

If you can’t find the answer to your question please feel free to contact us. 

An initial consultation is required before any 1:1 counselling or coaching can take place. If ongoing counselling or coaching is appropriate then this will usually take place on a weekly basis. The sessions can be a fixed amount, or take place over a longer period of time. This will be a collaborative decision. Why not book an initial consultation call to find out which service will work best for you? 

Reiki is a Japanese method of healing, using energy to balance the body and mind. Reiki promotes healing on all levels, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. One of the greatest benefits of Reiki is that it creates deep relaxation and helps the body to release stress and tension, improving overall emotional well-being.

Reiki is offered through light, non-invasive touch, on different locations of the head and body, whilst the client is fully clothed. Reiki energy is then transferred from the practitioner to the client. The energy flows to areas that are in need of healing.

Your experience during a Reiki session may vary from one session to another. Clients often experience a feeling of warmth from the practitioners hands. Other common experiences are tingling sensations throughout the body, a feeling of emotional release or visualisations of colours or pictures. Whether you experience any of these sensations or not, Reiki still works.

Please send an email and I will be more than happy to provide further information for all of the services available.